Cost-effective solutions for your landlord/tenant problems
541-953-4142 - tiapoliti@outlook.com

About Tia Politi
Rental owner
B.S., Journalism, University of Oregon, 1987 - GO DUCKS!
Licensed property manager - 2009-2022 (private, public & assisted housing)
OREA Certified Continuing Education Provider
President, Oregon Rental Housing Association (ORHA)
President, Rental Owners Association of Lane County
Forms Chair, ORHA
Columnist, Mind Your Business
Landlord Helpline representative for Rental Owners Association of Lane County, Rental Owners Association of SW Oregon, Linn-Benton Rental Housing Association, Portland Area Rental Owners Association & Treasure Valley Rental Association
Hundreds of hours of continuing education in property management in both private and public housing.
Volunteer instructor, St. Vincent de Paul’s Second Chance Renters Program
2020 Housing Hero - St. Vincent de Paul Society of Lane County
Landlord/Tenant Instructor, Lane ROA and statewide
Author/Instructor, Landlord Bootcamp
Author/Instructor, Renting a Home, teaching high school seniors the rights, risks and responsibilities of tenancy